Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd Point of Sale Apps 132 Apps found. author: Webkul software pvt. ltd × category: Point of Sale × version: 15.0 ×

The module allows you to combine various different products into a product bundle and sell it as a single unit in the Odoo POS.Product Pack|Pack|Bundle Products|Custom Product|Pack Product

POS Product Pack
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

POS Product Price Limits facilitates the Odoo admin to define the maximum and minimum for a product individually. Moreover, you can restrict the POS user to enter only an amount from a defined minimum and maximum price.It also shows warning messages for different scenarios of Odoo backend and Odoo POS.POS Min and Max Price|POS Min Product Price|POS Max Product Price|POS Min Price|Max product price|Max Price Product|Min Product Price|minimum & maximum product price|POS Product Price Limits|pos product price limit

POS Product Price Limits
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Add a quantity selector to the product such that seller can increase/decrease product quantity by clicking quantity selector on product.Quantity|Quantity Selector|Selector Quantity|Product Quantiy

POS Product Quantity Selector
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module allows adding the product in cart with quantity by scanning a barcode in point of sale. Seller can assign multi barcode to the product so the features are Product Multiple Barcode or Product Multi Barcode with Quantity.Barcodes|Quantity Barcodes|Product Multiple Barcodes|Custom Quantity Barcodes

POS Quantity Barcodes
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Odoo POS Razorpay Integration adds Razorpay as another payment option for the customer to make the process quick and secure.Odoo POS Razorpay Integration|Odoo POS Razorpay Payment Acquirer|OdooPOS Payment via Razorpay.

POS Razorpay Integration
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allow you to process customer refund with a voucher or coupon instead of cash. The customer can use the voucher amount on the successive purchases.POS Store credit|Refund gift card|POS refund|POS RMA|Instant refund

POS Refund Via Voucher
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module is used to sell product on rental basis from the pos.Rental Management|Management|Rental|Custom Rental Management

POS Rental Management
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows you to set different pricelist for each table in your restaurant so you can manage tables separately for each individual customer.Floor Pricelist|Pricelist|Restaurant Pricelist|Restaurant Floor Pricelist

POS Restaurant Floor/Table Based Pricelist
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows you to round the amount in the POS order manually or set it for automatic to make the payments faster and easier for customers.Rouding|Round Off|Rounding Amount|Custom Rounding

POS Rounding Off Amount
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows you send the SMS notifications to the customers from the POS. The user can send alerts for conditions such order placed notification, invoice paid notifciation, etc.Gateway|Integration|Gateway Integration|Sms Gateway

POS SMS Notification
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

A module that would allow the POS user to create a request for th POS manager to view and take action. Request can be sale order creation, Invoice creation or Purchase Order creation request.Salesperson Request|Request|Salesperson|Custom Salespersonm Request

POS Salesperson's Requests & Grievances
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows you to save a customer orders as quotation and load all the saved quotations of any customers in the running POS session.

POS Save Quotations
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module sends the Order Receipt as a WhatsApp message, and the User can create Multiple Message that can be sent to the single/multiple Customer.WhatsApp Message|WhatsApp|Custom WhatsApp Messages|Receip As A WhatsApp Message

POS Send Receipt & Greetings via Whatsapp
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

This module prints POS Session Summary as well as send Session Summary to the current login user.Session Report|Session Report Summary|Report |Report Session

POS Session Report
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

During simultaneous multiple POS sessions, the module checks whether the product added to the cart has gone out of stock on other POS or not.Double Validation|Stock Validation|Double Stock Validation|custom Stock Validation

POS Stock Double Validation
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

It provides a handy payment method through which the customer can do their payments via Stripe. They need to scan the qrcode in order to make the payment.Stripe Payment|Strip Payment Acquirer|Payment Acquirer|Acquirer

POS Stripe Payment Acquirer
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Displays the tax associated with each orderline in POS.Line Tax|Tax Details|Tax|Custome Tax Details

POS Tax Details
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The module allows you to add a countdown timer to the POS products. Manage services on the basis of time elapsed while using the product/services.Time Based|Time Product|Product Time Based|Time Based Products

POS Time Based Products
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Manage multiple stock location within the POS Session, So that if any product is out of stock then seller can order product from other stock locations.Warehouse|Warehouse Managemnet|Stock Products|Custom Warehouse Management

POS Warehouse Management
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

It provides a handy payment method through which the customer can do their payments via WeChat Pay. They need to scan the qrcode in order to make the payment.Wechat|Wechat Payment Acquirer|Wechat payment|Wechat Acquirer

POS WeChat Payment Acquirer
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.